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Holistic Health

All about you, your health & your mental wellbeing

HomeoBotanical -
                       The Power Of Herbs

organic herb medication

HomeoBotanical Therapy -
                                      A new way to heal

Homeobotanical (also known as HomeoHerbs or Hbs) remedies are a powerful, synergistic blend of organic herbal combinations in liquid form, potentised homoeopathically and selectively chosen to target specific organs and systems in your body. Detoxification is often the first step in the therapeutic process (especially for chronic conditions). When the toxins have been removed a nutritional blend of herbs is again individually selected to encourage the body to regain homoeostasis (balance).


Homeopathic and Homeobotanical treatments are suitable for everyone, young and old, whether they are suffering from minor disorders or serious trauma and chronic diseases. Both treat each person in a holistic way as a unique individual.


In every client, a selection of remedies from over forty-two main formulations (the classic range) are blended together into an individual prescription to help the body to detoxify, nourish and build up your immune system to rebalance your system helping you to achieve health, vitality and well-being.


For instance, a woman having migraines with her periods might be prescribed the combination Hb M, F (ie, HbM [Migraine], HbF [Female Formula I]) to be taken up to to three drops, three times a day. The amount of each of those two concentrates would be determined by the Practitioner to match the intensity of symptoms in the client.


Homeobotanical remedies have four distinct actions within the body:

  • Physical action which includes organ drainage or the stimulation of release of toxins from specific areas of the body.

  • A nutritional component which assists in the assimilation of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other micronutrients in ones diet as well as providing a rich combination supplied by the herbs themselves.

  • A synergisticaction which supports and reinforces whatever other healing techniques are being employed as Hb's maintain balance within the body.

  • A dynamic action arising from homeopathic potentisation, this enables the remedies to directly stimulate healing within the body.

Jasmin Homeobotanical Herbs

How they work -
                       Precise & Powerful


  • Detoxification is often the first step in the therapeutic process (esp. for chronic conditions). When the toxins have been removed a nutritional blend of herbs is again individually selected to encourage the body to regain homoeostasis (balance).


  • Acute conditions respond very quickly to these remedies, supporting the immune system and accelerating the healing process.


  • Chronic conditions respond at a more measured pace, according to the duration and severity of the disease or imbalance. Asthma, eczema, bowel problems, poor vitality due to toxin build-up, arthritis, hormone imbalance (and all the distressing symptoms that causes), allergies and so much more. In many instances, once the toxic load has been taken off the organs, the body will heal itself and no further intervention is required.


  • HB Immuity is a proven immuno-stimulant tonic containing: Astralagus, Baptisia, Echinacea, Golden Seal, Licorice, Olive Leaf, Red Sage, and Thyme. Enhances the production of lymphocytes and stimulates T-cell activity. It can be used internally and externally whenever antiseptic and antimicrobial treatment is needed.

  • The drops taste pleasant and are taken up to three times daily to gently detoxify, energise, balance and calm. The remedies are the perfect support for deeper acting homeopathic remedies and I may select and combine formulas, so each blend is unique and tailored to the individual client.


Homeobotanical tinctures are made from organically grown, homeopathically prepared herbs, developed by a team of Homeopaths in Auckland, New Zealand and complement a naturopathic treatment.The cost of each bottle of tincture is £25


I am a qualified homeobotanical therapist and love treating people using these remedies. Drop me a line if you're interested in reducing your body's toxicity!

Hb A




Acute and chronic allergies for airborne, dietary and idiopathic sources. Rhinitis, sinusitis, nasopha-ryngeal congestion.


Albizzia, Golden Rod, Baical, Elderflower, Eyebright etc.

Hb B




Blood Purifier for lymphatic stasis Serves as a drain- age formula for the entire body. Helps with pain associated with faulty elimination


Yellow Dock, Cleavers, Reishi Mushroom, Pau d’Arco etc.

Hb C




Catarrh of upper respiratory tract, esp chronic tenacious yellow mucus, for asthmatic conditions with complications from excessive mucus


Boneset, Elderflower, Horehound, Yarrow, Ribwort, Thyme etc.

Hb F+




Hormonal stabilisation, prolonged hormonal treatment e.g. contraception or H.R.T specific for menopausal systems, hot flushes, night sweats


Squaw Vine, Cramp Bark, Pulsatilla, Cohosh etc. (as for HbF [Female Formula I]) but with addition of Paeonia lactiflora.

Hb G




Chronic and obstinate constipation, fissures and haemorrhoids. Tonifies gastrointestinal tract and supports hepatic function


Rhubarb Root, Senna, Cascara, Licorice, Butternut etc.

Hb H




Chronic circulatory problems with cardiovascular disease. supports normal blood pressure and strengthens the heart and is indicated for angina pectoris, ventricular & heart murmurs


Hawthorne, Olive, Mistletoe, Lime, Dan shen etc.

Hb D




Acute and chronic gastrointestinal distress. Heart- burn, dyspepsia, hyperacidity. Nausea and vomit- ing, from pregnancy or travel sickness. colic, flatulence, bloating


Condurango, Meadowsweet, Gentian etc

Hb E




Nervous debility & excessive stress. Anxiety and nervousness leading to headaches, depression, emotional exhaustion


Valerian, Oats, Hops, Skullcap, Lavender, Chamomile etc.

Hb F




Suppressed, irregular, erratic menstruation. Pre- menstrual syndrome, emotional sensitivity Threat-ened or repeated miscarriage


Squaw Vine, Cramp Bark, Pulsatilla, Cohosh etc.

Hb I




Herbal antiseptic & immunity boost for acute & chronic infection. Supports the entire autoimmune system. Antiseptic, antimicrobial


Red Sage, Echinacea Root, Baptisia etc.

Hb J


JOINTS & Rheumatics


Chronic and acute rheumatism, arthritis. Stiffness, joint pain, darting or shooting pains throughout the body and cramps.


Celery, Devil’s Claw, Rehmannia, Poke, Sarsparilla etc.

Hb K




Soothing and protective for Kidneys, bladder and entire genito-urinary system, stones and gravel, cystitis, drainage remedy


Crataeva, Cornsilk, Shepherd’s Purse, Couch, Buchu etc.

Hb L




Acute and chronic hepatic dysfunction. Supports normal liver and gall bladder functioning. Drainage/protective remedy


Globe Artichoke, Bupleurum Root, Dandelion etc.

Hb M




Addresses derangement of viscera which may cause severe headaches. Sick headaches with visual disturbances and onset


Fringe Tree, Blue Flag, Wood Betony, Feverfew etc.

Hb N




For neuralgias, neuritis and acute and chronic pain anywhere in the body


Jamaican Dogwood, St. John’s Wort, Corydalis etc.

Hb N+



(Chronic pain)

Ameliorates persistent chronic pain. Migraine, muscular & joint, post operative, menopausal.


Jamaican Dogwood, St. John’s Wort, Corydalis etc (as for HbN [Neuralgia I]) but with addition of NZ native herbs Horopito & Pukatea.

Hb O




Promotes ocular integrity, protective and healing action. Helps stimulate re-epitheliation over wounds


Eyebright, Bilberry, Golden Seal, Ginkgo etc.

Hb P




For the support of pancreas function. Balances hormone & enzyme physiology. Encourages a normalisation of insulin secretion


Fenugreek, Gymnema, Jambul, Licorice, Buchu etc.

Hb Q




Herbal Tranquilliser. Sleeplessness, restlessness
and insomnia for overactive minds


Passionflower, Jamaican Dogwood, Chamomile etc.

Hb R




Supports the normal pulmonary ventilation. Assists lungs, respiratory tract, asthma, bronchitis, eustachian tubes and sinuses


Picrorrhiza, Mullein, Grindelia, Euphorbia etc.

Hb S




Used internally & externally as a cream for all manner of skin disorders. Eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis and pustular skin eruptions


Red Clover, Burdock, Figwort, Yellow Dock etc.

Hb T




Chronic tiredness and hypotension. Weariness from chronic & acute allergies


Damiana, Ginseng, Hawthorne, Ginger, Polygonum etc.

Hb U




Trophorestorative formula for renal & lymphatic pathology involving oedema. Supports osmotic balance & facilitates drainage


Marshmallow, Juniper, Crataeva, Corn Silk, Yarrow, Buchu etc.

Hb V




Remedy for varicose, flaccid venous and arterial conditions, supports normal haemorrhoid distension and prevents passive internal bleeding anywhere in the body


Witch Hazel, Ginger, Horse Chestnut, Cranesbill etc.



WORMS drops


Broad spectrum herbal vermifuge has a range of activity which includes pinworms, thread worms, roundworms and tapeworms. Externally for lice


Black Walnut, Cinnamon, Wormwood, Garlic, etc.

Hb X





Soothes irritable and persistent coughing causing hoarseness


Elecampane, Pleurisy Root, Wild Cherry etc

Hb Y


YEAST infections


Redress the balance of Candida albicans. management of chronic disease involving bowel flora and fungal overgrowth


Golden Seal, Marshmallow Root, Ginger Root etc.

Hb Z




Lack of energy. Adrenal stress due to overwork and chron- ic fatigue. Physical and emotional exhaustion. Rejuvenates digestion, circulation, hormonal equilibrium, stamina and libido


Ginseng, Kola Nut, Damiana, Ginger, Cayenne etc.




Brain fog, forgetfulness. Deficient memory, senility, de- pression. Impaired function of the brain and central nervous system




For all environmental toxins, an active drainage remedy to cope with severe systemic toxicity. General system detoxi- fication





Reduces all inflammation in the body including arthritis & Rheumatism




The maintenance remedy for immunity and vigorous health. Recuperation after illness



Astringent and Antidiarrhoeal which protects the gastro- intestinal mucosa and minimises electrolyte loss and resultant dehydration. Astringent



Nausea. Particularly indicated during the first trimester of pregnancy, debilitating nausea from pregnancy, systemic toxicity or idiopathic origins. Travel sickness



Covers the acute, febrile stages of illness. With emphasis on paediatrics. Shock, sudden illness. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, colic & headaches. Fevers



Enhances the nutritional quality of the mothers milk. A safe, gentle stimulant to induce and sustain normal lactation



Drainage & trophorestorative - balancing remedy for the entire endocrine glandular system. Normalising hormonal systems.




Thyroid support for sluggish and over-active energy states. General reviver. Provides emergency support in life threatening situations.




To stimulate the assimilation of nutrients. Where poor diet, illness or age impedes absorption

e assimilation of nutrients. Where poor diet, illness or age impedes absorption

Orchitis. MALE

(hormonal balance)


Balances and assists male hormonal/prostatic physiology. Support normal male sexual function. Inc. idiopathic male infertility



(deep lungs)


Chronic & degenerative bronchopulmonary pathology. Relieves distress in chronic asthmatics





Natural anti-viral, anti-ulcerative and immunostimulant. It has a wide range of action against yeast, fungi, bacteria and protozoa





Restores structural integrity of cutaneous & subcutaneous lesions, promoting rapid healing, incl. scar tissue of wounds & broken skin



(fleas and lice)


Parasites and fungal diseases on animals, specifically fleas and lice. Effective against nits in hair, impetigo, lacerated open wounds.



Anxiety, chronic fatigue,


convalescence, mental & physical exhaustion, depression, insomnia. Panic attacks




Cramps of smooth and striated muscle. Sports, menstrual and GIT cramps. Colic and other painful seizures of the nervous system


(First Aid)


Calms, centres and rebalances. Particularly effective when been out of sorts for a long time. Rebalances & restores equilibrium.




For physical injuries, trauma and shock. Bites, stings, bruis- es. Soft tissue injuries. dislocations, contusions, fractures, sprains, haematomas



Used internally & externally for all warts (sessile and pe- dunculated). For the clinical management of warts, condylomata and warty excrescences

Carcina #21


Chronic diseases including cholecystitis, gastritis, hepatitis, duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis & rheumatism. Supports neoplastic disease incl. Bowel, liver, pancreatic, stomach & throat.

Carcina #22


Chronic disease of the circulatory & endocrine systems incl. diabetes, Parkinson's, other hormonal indicated neo-plastic diseases

Carcina #23


Palliative care for the terminally ill. Supports emotional health when facing hopeless conditions. Supports immunesystem.

List of HomeoBotanicals


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Jasmin Homeopathy Holistic Health & Mental Well-Being
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