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Holistic Health

All about you, your health & your mental wellbeing

What patients are saying Jasmin Holistic Health Cambridge online worldwide

What my patients are saying:

I have been receiving homeopathic therapy with Jasmin for a year now. I had been suffering from anxiety, depression and lengthy periods for more than 4 years. I tried everything from psychotherapy, CBT to various prescriptions from my GP. Jasmin is exceptionally thorough and professional when assessing my situation. She is a very understanding therapist and often tracks my progress.

Although sceptical of homeopathy at first, I was pleased to notice the instant changes after taking the first remedy. The constant nausea I was experiencing had completely gone and levels of anxiety and depression significantly reduced. When it came to treating my lengthy periods; the remedies reduced my periods back to normal and helped to regulate the hormone imbalance I was suffering for more than 4 years. I will no longer be relying on prescriptions!

Thank you Jasmin!


I am so thankful to Jasmin as I was struggling with PCOS and other hormonal issues since last last 15 years and almost tried every mode of treatment from allopathic to herbal. I even tried homeopathic remedies from other consultants too but nothing worked for me. My periods were so messed up that I was menstruating only twice a year, It made me fat and I always felt exhausted.
I am glad that I got the chance to use your remedies. The consultation was very detailed and Jasmin made sure to pin point the cause of my hormonal issue.
Just one remedy for 5 days and my problem is cured. I am having regular periods now and started loosing weight too. I am so happy and grateful. I strongly recommend Jasmin as she is very caring and responsible. She knows her job well and she is always there to listen to your concerns.


Even though I have received homeopathic  treatment as a teenager, I  had generally been quite sceptic - until Jasmin had treated me with Arsenicum to recover from severe and acute stomach pain, fever and diarrhea, most likely caused by some form of food poisoning. I had developed the above symptoms overnight, and had been unable to sleep most of the night because of them. I was due to fly to Munich on the next day, but felt very sick and completely unable to travel - until Jasmin treated me - after carefully listening to my description of the symptoms -  with a dosage of Arsenicum. While I had not much hope for a significant improvement, it only took around 30 minutes before my condition improved so significantly that I had no more stomach ache or fever, no diarrhea, and felt strong enough to go on my journey. Jasmin's treatment saved my travel to Munich - and since then, I am convinced that homeopathy can serve as an important, non-invasive alternative to standard medication, an alternative without side effects! 


I am writing the above to express my thanks to Jasmin for her quick help, and so that others can also benefit from homeopathy!


Seit sehr langer Zeit leide ich immer wieder an Magenschmerzen, die sich auf emotionale Probleme zurückführen lassen. Ich habe immer wieder Beziehungsprobleme und leide sehr stark an Verlustängsten und Eifersucht. Durch Jasmins richtigen und sehr einfühlsamen Fragen konnte ich mich ihr gut anvertrauen, und sie hat mir ein Mittel verabreicht. Nachdem ich das Mittel nur einmal genommen hatte, löste sich etwas in mir sofort auf sehr deutliche und dramatische Weise. Ich bin gespannt, wie es mit der Behandlung weitergeht. Jasmin ist eine sehr empathische und lebenskluge Frau, dazu kommt ihr großes Fachwissen. Ich habe großes Vertauen, dass sie mir weiterhin helfen wird.


My migraines are finally gone, and I can begin to live my life again. I can’t express how wonderful it was to work with Jasmin,


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